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All our  events have been postponded due to Covid-19 crise.


Clavis Circle organises working sessions 2 or 3 times a year in order to debate about new markets, business opportunities, networks and creates projects to penetrate emmergent market surch as Africa, Middle East and Asia.

Amédée Santalo spent 25 years working around the world, Switzerland, Africa, Middle East, with Chinese, Russian and Indian. Today Amédée would like to share his international experience to business people and companies who wants to work internationally.

Amédée has a huge demand for his support in understanding the way the emmergent market works, Clavis Circle his made to structure his collaboration and support.

Amédée has been the Adviser of Prince Sheikh Tariq M. Al Qassimi, member of the RAK Ruling Family in United Arab Emirates, today he has the privilage to be the Adviser of H.E. Sheikh Tarek M. Binladen and the Representative of H.E. Pierre Goudiaby Atepa.

Our mission is to give you the right keys to work internationally and expend your business.
We also create portfolios to go and invest in certain countries by building our own business.

If you are interested in such event, click on "next event" to know more about it and book.

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